
Current Bidding Opportunities: PlanetBids.com

Our Mission

The mission of Purchasing and Procurement is to provide professional, efficient and ethical procurement services, while ensuring the best interests of the College are at the forefront of business transactions. Our goals include:
  • Providing College departments and employees a high level of procurement and document delivery service;
  • Achieving maximum value for dollars spent;
  • Providing additional fiscal control by issuing Purchase Order numbers;
  • Ensuring compliance with College policies regarding competition and Board approval and with applicable sections of the CA Public Contract Code through informal and formal bidding;
  • Ensuring conditions of College purchasing orders are being enforced by the College and met by vendors performing under those conditions;
  • Striving for continuous improvement in procurement and mail delivery through automating and streamlining processes, supplier consolidation & product standardization where feasible, and enhanced supplier relationships;
  • Increasing sustainable business practices within the College and its supply chain.

Hours of Operation

Purchasing and Procurement: 
Monday – Friday:  9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Loading Dock:

Monday – Friday: 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

For general information and requests, please email: purchasing@uclawsf.edu

Current Bidding Opportunities: PlanetBids.com


About Us


James Ferrell, CPPO

Director of Business Services

Email: ferrelljames@uclawsf.edu

Tel: 415.565.4731

Tony Ng

Associate Director Purchasing and Procurement

Email: ngtony@uclawsf.edu

Tel: 415.565.4604


Chris Hu


Email: huchris@uclawsf.edu

Tel: 415.565.4717


Ryan Belmes

Mailroom and Records Clerk

Email: belmesryan@uclawsf.edu

Tel: 415-355-9618